The list below includes a total of 67 species currently known. Common names are used; scientific names will be added later
Large trees: >=10m tall (33 feet), 23 species
White pine – abundant everywhere, shade intolerant, the tallest tree, emergent
Hemlock – abundant large tree, moist areas, shade tolerant, under attack by adelgid
Pitch Pine – two tall specimens known, serotinous cones, need fire to open; no regeneration observed
Northern Red Oak – abundant, hybridizes with black oak, many stump sprouts & double trees due past logging activities
Black Oak – uncommon to common, hard to be sure with hybrids
White Oak – common, fire and drought resistant, some large open-grown specimens,
Swamp White Oak – patchy, uncommon, found in wet areas, vernal pools; has large sweet acorns
Black Birch – abundant to superabundant in dense groves in former logging roads, shade tolerant when small
Yellow birch – common in areas with better moister soils, shade tolerant
Paper Birch – patchy, short-lived, shade intolerant
Red Maple – abundant, shade tolerant, stump sprouts, many poor quality trees
Sugar maple – patchy in moister areas with better soils, shade tolerant
American Beech – abundant, shade tolerant, colonial; eventually succumbs to bark disease
Black Cherry – common, patchy, shade intolerant
White Ash – common, does better in moister areas, in decline due to disease
Black Gum – common, patchy, especially wet areas, heavily deer-browsed; several old trees untouched by timbering
Bitternut Hickory – common, patchy, drier sites
Shagbark Hickory – uncommon to rare at Masson Ridge, just two known, probably more present.
Butternut – rare, only one found here, declining everywhere from canker
Big Tooth Aspen – uncommon, a single patch with large trees, shade intolerant, fast growing
American Linden – uncommon found in higher pH soils, limited regeneration due to deer browse
American Elm – rare at Masson Ridge, small specimens only, but several large ones on adjacent property
Black locust – naturalized from midwest, needs sun to establish, grows rapidly, most are near the road
Small trees: <= 10m (33 feet), 16 native, 2 exotic
Amer. Chestnut – common but overlooked, stump sprouts, gets the blight, dies back
Amer. Hornbeam – patchy, moist to wet areas
Hop Hornbeam – patchy, moist areas
Hawthorn – common, usually under 10 feet tall
Juneberry – common, patchy, openings near wetlands, occasionally to 30 feet
Crabapple – naturalized european in openings, found mostly in the house envelope; wide range of phenotypes
Sassafras – patchy, moist areas, shade tolerant; porcupine defoliate and kill it, may account for absence of specimens > 10m
Fire cherry – patchy in openings, fast growing, short lived
Striped maple – abundant throughout, often topples over before it gets tall
Black Ash – patchy in permanently wet areas with higher pH
Red Cedar – confined openings, shade intolerant, bird dispersed
Pagoda Dogwood – probably common, but needs openings to size up and flower
Flowering Dogwood – six tall specimens known, not regenerating; anthracnose disease and seedlings browsed by deer
Bladdernut – one colonial patch in talus, unusual to be so far from the river
Balsam fir – only a single specimen known, probably are others
Black Spruce – uncommon and declining, hit hard by acid rain and now climate change
Buckthorn – common exotic, invasive in openings, fruit dispersed by birds
Shrubs: <=3m, 22 species, 20 native
Highbush blueberry – common tall shrub, in openings, bumblebees pollinate
Lowbush blueberry – abundant, thrives in openings but persists in light shade
Huckleberry – uncommon to common, tolerates dry but not deep shade
Maleberry – patchy dense colonies, moist semishade, has no berry
Mountain Laurel – abundant, occurs in thickets, tolerates light shade but prefers moister sites
Sheep Laurel – patchy, poor soils, drought tolerant but shade intolerant
Witch Hazel – abundant, tree-like but always leans, flowers in cold weather
Beaked Hazel – common, small colonies, flowers in March, small tasty nut
Black Chokecherry – openings, spring flowers, bitter fruit
Mountain Holly – occasionally tree-like, moist to wet areas
Winterberry – common in wetlands and edges
Maple-leaved viburnum – abundant, drier sites, deer browsing keeps it short
Witherod – another viburnum, uncommon, moister sites, openings, deer browse it
Hobblebush – shade tolerant, colonial in moister areas
Spicebush – patchy, wet areas, shade tolerant, red berries
Leatherwood – patchy, often with spicebush, yellow flowers in April, fruits green to yellow
Red Elderberry – in openings, flowers first in April, bitter red fruit by June, enjoyed by birds
Purple Elderberry – in openings, deer-browse heavily; flowers mid summer, purple fruit in August
Sweetfern – very small aromatic woody colonial, found in poor soils, disturbed areas with sun
Meadowsweet – several different species, colonial in openings
Japanese Barberry – common, shade tolerant invasive exotic, deer will not eat; red berries taken by birds
Burning Bush – shade tolerant exotic, deer will eat and barberry may shelter it; red fruit taken by birds
Bush honeysuckle – one of several invasive exotic species, one patch at a former log landing
Vines – 4 species, 3 native
Grapevine – throughout, with large vines into the canopy
Virginia creeper throughout
Poison Ivy primarily in wetter areas
Asian Bittersweet