Four-toed Salamander – Commonly found outside sphagnum areas where it breeds Northern Dusky Salamander Found in wet stream margins – Mallory and Bottom Brooks
Northern Two-lined Salamander – Common under rocks in Bottom Brook
Spotted Salamander – Vernal pool breeder, common, long-lived, seldom seen
Red-spotted Newt – Most visible as terrestrial red eft, opportunistic breeder
Red-backed Salamander – Abundant and fully terrestrial, associated with White Pine
Wood Frog – Chorus at vernal pools just after ice-out, disperse widely
Gray Tree Frog – Chorus at pond, but may also use water-filled tree cavities Spring Peeper Calls just after Wood Frogs in the spring
American Toad – Choruses in May, active all summer, attracted to openings Pickerel Frog Disperses widely during wet weather
Green Frog – Large Frog. Restricted to pond and pools.
Bullfrog – Largest frog, found at pond, invades the pools in wet years
Garter Snake – Most common snake at Masson ridge
Ring-necked Snake – Secretive but probably common, eats Red-backs
Brown Snake – Not common, small leaf litter snake
Milk Snake – Inhabits rock walls and hibernacula, eats mice
Northern Water Snake – Most often at pools and pond, but also move through forest
Hognosed Snake – Seen once at hibernaculum, toad and frog eater
Painted Turtle – Itinerant turtle, at pond and pools
Snapping Turtle – Overland wanderer, remains found at the pond
Wood Turtle – Another overland wanderer, remains found at the pond